Cheltenham Rambling Club
Cheltenham Rambling Club 

Cheltenham Rambling Club Highlights

Birdlip - 20 July 2024


Saturday’s very pleasant walk around Birdlip finishing at Ruby’s for a bacon sandwich. 28 walkers enjoyed the morning.

Thanks to Gordon and Jenny. 

Woodchester Park - 13 July 2024


Thanks to Robert and Janet for a most enjoyable circular walk around Woodchester Park 


Guiting Power to Naunton - 27 June 2024


On Thursday, Allen led a delightful circular walk from Guiting Power through Naunton, finishing at The Farmers Arms for lunch in the sunshine.

Coln St Aldwyns to Bibury  - 11 June 24


A delightful walk through beautiful countryside and we avoided the rain, even enjoying a picnic alongside the river. 


Thanks to Gordon and Jenny.



Malvern Hills - 25 May 2024


Walked the ridge between Herefordshire and Worcestershire Beacons. Dropped down to West Malvern for a welcome ice cream or cup of tea. Splendid views on the return to British Camp.


Thanks to Rob and Janet for a great walk.

Harrogate Coach holiday 28 April - 2 May 2024


Here we are walking through the valley of the River Skell crossing  1 of its 7 bridges, blessed with fine, warm (no rain) weather on the approaches to the deer park of Fountains Abbey.


Charlton Kings to Lineover Wood - 25 April 2024


Thanks to everyone who came on our walk today. The mud of winter has finally started to dry out and I returned with nearly clean boots. A more attractive bonus was the colourful haze of bluebells to be seen in Lineover Wood - a happy coincidence with the timing of our walk. Thanks to Carol for the photo - Chris and Sue

Bourton-on-the-Water to the Slaughters  - 4 April 2024


What a surprise for this morning’s walk from Bourton on the Water, 18 members turned out and despite some muddy patches (perhaps we are just getting used to this winters conditions) we all had smiley faces - and yes, we all remained upright!
Photo: classic bridge at Lower Slaughter. Thanks to Alan and Jenny. 



Statues and Odd Structures Walks – 22 & 27 February 2024


A number of club members were lucky enough to have been on one of Martin's two walks around the statues and structures of Cheltenham, and this was the 2nd walk by the carved tree in Clarence Square. We were also very fortunate to see a kingfisher in Pittville Park a few minutes previously! Thanks to Martin for a very informative and interesting walk.

Stay on track - race course walk - 31 December 2023


21 on the walk with 5 non walkers joining us for a welcome glass of mulled wine after a muddy walk - what did we expect after all the rain?Fortunately, the rain was intermittent, but the New Year greetings to one and all were sincere. Boots clean again, waterproofs stood up to the challenge so ready for the next ramble  - Mary

Woodmancote - 23 November 23


Cheltenham Rambling Club is so fortunate to have Cleeve Hill as their local landmark and 22 of us enjoyed the clubs walk on Thursday, a fine day as you can see from the photo, a good workout of inclines, thank you to Angela our walk leader.

Club 80th Birthday Celebration - 20 August 22
This year the club is 80 years old and we celebrated with three walks, followed by a party for around 100 current and past members.
See more (CRC News page)

Club weekends

Join us for walking weekends away.  More details are available in our full programme, which can be obtained from our Membership Secretary at


Summer Programme up to end of August 2024 is now available.

Short walks during weekdays (evenings in spring/summer and during the mornings in autumn/winter). Longer full day walks during the weekends (throughout the year).



Recent walks

Walking blog

One of our members, Guy, has a blog covering some of his own favourite walks and walking experiences. He features an overview of walks such as The Ross Round, The Palladian Way and The Cape to Cape walk: Guy's rambling guide to walks in England, Scotland and Wales


Bad weather: Some walks may have to be cancelled because of difficult weather conditions. Our Walks Programme Secretary, Paul, is currently keeping members informed of any alterations to the programme.

It is always a good idea to check your e-mail before going on a walk in case of a cancellation or a last minute change in the walk detail.


Club essentials (see the link at the top of the page)



Club rules document: The CRC is a formal club with a Chairman, committee, rules and constitution. The club rules state the guiding framework, governing how the club functions and members' responsibilities.


Health and safety: Please be aware, that with rambling, as with many outdoor activities - there is a small health and safety risk. Please read the health and safety guidance, particularly if walking with the club for the first time.


Guidance for Walk Leaders: new leaders are always welcome and a guidance document is available for walk leaders. Additional help is also available from experienced club members when planning your first walk.


CRC Privacy Policy: full details of our policy to protect members data is available to download.

Find out how your walking holiday can benefit the club...


Cheltenham Rambling Club has recently joined The Walking Partnership. This new partnership, supported by Ramblers Worldwide Holidays, provides direct financial contributions to local walking groups to help with organising group walks, encouraging people to get out walking, helping to clear and improve footpaths, providing equipment to help walkers etc. Over the past 65 years, Ramblers Worldwide Holidays has given many millions of pounds to assist walking charities and conservation projects in Britain and the countries they visit on their worldwide holidays. Remember when you book to quote the name of our group, and we will then receive a contribution of £10 per person on UK holidays, £20 per person on short haul holidays, and £30 per person on long haul holidays. (important: please quote the club name at the time of booking - this cannot be done after the holiday). This extra funding could really make a difference to us!

Welcome to Cheltenham Rambling Club

The Cheltenham Rambling Club  was founded in 1942 and is affiliated to the Ramblers Association. It is a friendly club and always welcomes new members.


Want to join us?


Become a member to benefit from the club programme walks, social events and to be in touch with the latest information.

Contact Lynne, our Membership Secretary, at

Useful rambling Sites


Check out the following links to other rambling sites:


Cheltenham Rambling Club Facebook page


Ramblers - at the heart of walking.


Gloucestershire area ramblers.


Cotswold Rambling Club

Happy Hiker



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© Cheltenham Rambling Club